10 Essential Mantine Components for Rapid UI Development

As a frontend developer always on the lookout for efficient tools to streamline UI development, I’ve recently been exploring Mantine, a React component library that’s gaining traction in the developer community. Mantine offers a rich set of customizable components that can significantly speed up the development process while maintaining a sleek and modern design. In this blog post, we’ll dive into 10 essential Mantine components that I’ve found particularly useful for rapid UI development. Whether you’re building a dashboard, a landing page, or a complex web application, these components will help you create polished interfaces in no time.

1. Button

The Button component is a fundamental building block of any UI. Mantine’s Button component is highly customizable and comes with various styles out of the box.

import { Button } from "@mantine/core";
function MyComponent() {
return (
{" "}
<Button>Default Button</Button>{" "}
<Button color="blue" radius="xl" size="md">
{" "}
Customized Button{" "}
</Button>{" "}

The Button component supports different variants, sizes, and colors, making it versatile for various use cases.

2. TextInput

TextInput is another essential component for form creation. It provides a clean, accessible input field with built-in label and error handling.

import { TextInput } from "@mantine/core";
function MyForm() {
return (
error="Invalid email"

With TextInput, you can easily create form fields with labels, placeholders, and error messages.

3. Select

The Select component allows users to choose from a predefined set of options. It’s perfect for dropdown menus and form selects.

import { Select } from '@mantine/core';

function MySelect() {
return (
label="Choose a fruit"
placeholder="Pick one"
{ value: 'apple', label: 'Apple' },
{ value: 'banana', label: 'Banana' },
{ value: 'orange', label: 'Orange' },

The Select component handles the dropdown UI and state management, saving you time in implementation.

4. Modal

Modals are crucial for displaying additional content without leaving the current page. Mantine’s Modal component is easy to use and fully customizable.

import { Modal, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { useState } from 'react';

function MyModal() {
const [opened, setOpened] = useState(false);

return (
onClose={() => setOpened(false)}
title="Welcome to Mantine!"
<p>This is the modal content.</p>

<Button onClick={() => setOpened(true)}>Open Modal</Button>

The Modal component handles opening, closing, and accessibility features out of the box.

5. Tabs

Tabs are excellent for organizing content into separate views within the same page. Mantine’s Tabs component is straightforward to implement and customize.

import { Tabs } from '@mantine/core';

function MyTabs() {
return (
<Tabs defaultValue="gallery">
<Tabs.Tab value="gallery">Gallery</Tabs.Tab>
<Tabs.Tab value="messages">Messages</Tabs.Tab>
<Tabs.Tab value="settings">Settings</Tabs.Tab>

<Tabs.Panel value="gallery">Gallery tab content</Tabs.Panel>
<Tabs.Panel value="messages">Messages tab content</Tabs.Panel>
<Tabs.Panel value="settings">Settings tab content</Tabs.Panel>

The Tabs component manages the active state and content switching, allowing you to focus on the content rather than the implementation details.

6. Notification

For providing feedback to users, the Notification component is invaluable. It allows you to display temporary messages in a non-intrusive way.

import { Notification, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { useState } from 'react';

function MyNotification() {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);

return (
{visible && (
onClose={() => setVisible(false)}
Your action was completed successfully.

<Button onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>Show Notification</Button>

The Notification component handles its own visibility and provides a clean interface for displaying temporary messages.

7. Table

For displaying structured data, the Table component is essential. Mantine’s Table component is simple to use and style.

import { Table } from '@mantine/core';

function MyTable() {
const elements = [
{ position: 6, mass: 12.011, symbol: 'C', name: 'Carbon' },
{ position: 7, mass: 14.007, symbol: 'N', name: 'Nitrogen' },
{ position: 39, mass: 88.906, symbol: 'Y', name: 'Yttrium' },
{ position: 56, mass: 137.33, symbol: 'Ba', name: 'Barium' },
{ position: 58, mass: 140.12, symbol: 'Ce', name: 'Cerium' },

const rows = elements.map((element) => (
<tr key={element.name}>

return (

The Table component provides a clean, styled table structure that you can easily populate with your data.

8. Card

The Card component is perfect for displaying content in a contained, styled box. It’s great for grids of products, articles, or user profiles.

import { Card, Image, Text, Badge, Button, Group } from '@mantine/core';

function MyCard() {
return (
<Card shadow="sm" padding="lg" radius="md" withBorder>

<Group position="apart" mt="md" mb="xs">
<Text weight={500}>Norway Fjord Adventures</Text>
<Badge color="pink" variant="light">
On Sale

<Text size="sm" color="dimmed">
With Fjord Tours you can explore more of the magical fjord landscapes...

<Button variant="light" color="blue" fullWidth mt="md" radius="md">
Book classic tour now

The Card component provides a flexible container for various types of content, with options for headers, footers, and different sections.

9. Accordion

The Accordion component is great for displaying collapsible content, perfect for FAQs or detailed information that doesn’t need to be visible all the time.

import { Accordion } from '@mantine/core';

function MyAccordion() {
return (
<Accordion defaultValue="customization">
<Accordion.Item value="customization">
Colors, fonts, shadows and many other parts are customizable to fit your design needs

<Accordion.Item value="flexibility">
Configure components appearance and behavior with vast amount of settings or overwrite any part of component styles

<Accordion.Item value="focus-ring">
<Accordion.Control>No annoying focus ring</Accordion.Control>
With new :focus-visible pseudo-class focus ring appears only when user navigates with keyboard

The Accordion component manages the open/close state of each item, allowing you to focus on the content.

10. DatePicker

For any application that deals with dates, a good date picker is essential. Mantine’s DatePicker component is feature-rich and easy to use.

import { DatePicker } from '@mantine/dates';

function MyDatePicker() {
return (
placeholder="Pick date"
label="Event date"

The DatePicker component handles date selection, formatting, and validation, saving you from implementing these features yourself.


These 10 Mantine components represent just a fraction of what the library offers, but they form a solid foundation for rapid UI development. By leveraging these pre-built, customizable components, you can significantly speed up your development process without sacrificing design quality or flexibility.

Mantine’s strength lies not just in its individual components, but in how well they work together to create cohesive interfaces. The consistent API and styling across components make it easy to combine them in various ways to build complex UIs quickly.

As you continue to explore Mantine, you’ll discover even more components and utilities that can further accelerate your development process. The library’s excellent documentation and active community also make it easy to find solutions and best practices as you build your applications.

Remember, while these components provide a great starting point, the key to effective UI development is understanding your specific use case and user needs. Use these components as building blocks, customizing and combining them to create interfaces that are not just quick to develop, but also intuitive and enjoyable for your users.

Happy coding, and may your UIs always be both beautiful and rapidly developed!

Further Resources

To deepen your understanding of Mantine and its capabilities, here are some valuable resources:

  1. Mantine Official Documentation: The primary source for all things Mantine, including detailed API references and examples.
  2. Mantine UI Components Overview: A showcase of all available Mantine components with live examples.
  3. Mantine Hooks Library: Explore Mantine’s collection of React hooks for common UI patterns.
  4. Mantine Form Library: Learn about Mantine’s form management solution for complex form handling.
  5. Mantine GitHub Repository: Access the source code, contribute, or report issues.
  6. Mantine Spotlight Component: An advanced search interface component, showcasing Mantine’s more complex offerings.
  7. Mantine Theming Guide: Learn how to customize Mantine’s look and feel to match your project’s design.
  8. Mantine + Next.js Integration: A guide on using Mantine with Next.js for server-side rendered React applications.

These resources will help you make the most of Mantine in your projects and stay updated with the latest features and best practices in the Mantine ecosystem.





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